Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Brain Bowl Leaders
Trent           120

Sariah          60Marie           60
Donny          55
Tito              50
Jermaine      50

Good Quote
He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals. 
Bill Franklin

Bad Joke
Why did the cow cross the road?

Hump Day Brain Bowl
1. Who is the only student to win individual brain bowl three weeks in a row?
2. Who was Harry Houdini?
3. Write a sentence that includes a proper noun, a preposition, an adjective and onomatopoeia.
4. Provide the name of a famous person from Mesa, Arizona. Include his or her claim to fame.
5. What does xertz mean?
6. what is the meaning of the latin word bellum? 
Post answers below.
Tuesday Corrections
1. What is dramatic irony? The reader knows something a character does not.
2. Which should be in the first sentence of an argumentative essay, thesis, hook, or background information? hook
3. What should in the last sentence of an argumentative essay, restatement of the thesis, call to action, summary of the arguments? call to action
4. What is glossophobia? fear of public speaking
5. What is nitre? a white substance found in damp, underground areas used for gunpowder and fertilizer.

6. Provide an example of alliteration.Trent tumbles terrifically toward Timbuktu.

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